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Admission Tickets, Parking Vouchers, and Midway Tickets for The 2024 Great New York State Fair to go On Sale July 16

NYS Fair Vendor Sausage

Options Include Daily Passes and the Frequent Fairgoer Option for Regular Attendees

Centro’s Park-N-Ride Direct Shuttles from Downtown Transit Hub, Long Branch Park, and Destiny USA to Return to The Fair

The Great New York State Fair has your ticket to fun – literally – as admission, parking, and tickets to The Fair’s famous Midway will go on sale Tuesday, July 16 at 9 a.m. Admission, which is packed with value, including access to grounds entertainment and the Chevrolet Music Series, is $8 while parking costs $12. In addition, a Frequent Fairgoer ticket option is available for $25. Admission remains free for those aged 65 and older along with children 12 years old and under, making The Fair one of the most affordable fairs in the nation.

Geared toward those who are planning to be at The Fair at least four days over its 13-day stretch, the Frequent Fairgoer option allows the ticket holder to enter The Fair once a day, every day during The Fair. This ticket is non-transferable, and available exclusively online.

“It’s hard to find a ticket offer that provides as much value and opportunity as a ticket to The Great New York State Fair,” said Fair Director, Julie LaFave. “The low price of admission to The Fair is packed with possibilities. Whether you’re interested in viewing the Butter and Sand Sculptures, taking in one of the hundreds of agricultural competitions, exploring interactive and immersive educational exhibits, or singing along with dozens of national recording acts at Chevy Court or Suburban Park, a ticket to The Fair is the perfect opportunity to dive into all things New York. The Frequent Fairgoer pass helps to make The Fair even more affordable by providing discounted admission for all 13 days!” 

Fair admission also includes the ability to watch dozens of national recording acts in the Chevrolet Music Series, including Grammy winners, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame performers and so many more. There will be a daily 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. concert at Chevy Court (located near Gate 1), and a daily 8 p.m. concert at Suburban Park (located on the western end of the Fairgrounds, beyond the Midway). Each performance elsewhere would cost significantly more than the price of admission to The Fair.   

Updated concert schedules are available on The Fair’s website at pages dedicated to Chevy Court and Suburban Park.


There are three ways to buy admission tickets and/or parking: online, over the phone, and in-person from August 21 through September 2.

  • Online: The link to purchase admission tickets and parking will go live at 9:00 am, Tuesday, July 16, at The Great New York State Fair’s website.
  • Over the Phone: Starting July 16, tickets and parking may also be purchased over the phone by calling Etix toll-free at 1-800-514-3849 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday.
  • At the Gate: Beginning Wednesday, August 21, kiosks positioned at all gates will be used for electronic ticket purchases. To minimize waiting time for the kiosks, large signs featuring QR codes will also be available at all entrances and in parking lots for fairgoers to scan using their smartphone to purchase tickets.  

With fees, the total cost for fairgoers will be:

  • Admission: $8.32 per ticket ($8 admission, .14 ticket fee, .18 credit card processing fee)
  • Frequent Fairgoer: $25.70 ($25 Frequent Fairgoer, .14 ticket fee, .56 credit card processing fee – available exclusively online)
  • Parking: $12.41 per vehicle ($12 parking, .14 ticket fee, .27 credit card processing fee)

“We strongly encourage fairgoers to purchase tickets and parking before arriving at the grounds,” said LaFave. “With close to 100,000 people in the vicinity of the Fairgrounds daily, purchasing in advance minimizes lines and helps to ensure fairgoers move through the gates as quickly as possible to experience all the fun that The Fair has to offer!” 

Upon arrival, drivers must show their parking ticket to lot attendants electronically on their phones or through a printed copy. Please note, EZPass Plus is no longer an option for parking.

There will be no cash sales at The Fair’s entrance gates or in parking lots. Machines that can convert cash into a useable card will be positioned at The Fair’s Main Gate.


The Great New York State Fair begins on Wednesday, August 21 and continues through Labor Day, September 2. The Fair’s hours of operation are from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day, except for Labor Day, when The Fair closes at 9 p.m. Gates open to the public at 9 a.m. and close at 9:00 p.m. every day except for Labor Day, Monday, September 4, when no entry will be permitted after 8 p.m.

Parking Hours: The Orange parking lot opens at 9 a.m. daily, with the Brown, Pink, and Gray lots opening daily at 6 a.m. The Willis Ave parking lot opens at 10 a.m., but will only be accessible on weekends (August, 23, 24, 25, 30, and 31, and September 1 and 2).

Trams: For the convenience of fairgoers, trams will run continuously on the Fairgrounds, stopping at 10 stops from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.* every day. Plus, a dedicated ADA shuttle runs between the Gray Accessible Parking lot, located outside Gate 10 to Tram Stop #3 at the rear entrance of the Horticulture Building from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.* each day. *Note, on Monday, September 2, the trams stop running one hour earlier.


Centro’s Park-N-Ride direct shuttle service will provide passengers with transportation from the Centro Transit Hub Downtown, Long Branch Park, and Destiny USA to and from The Fairgrounds with drop-off and pick-up points to the left of the Main Gate. To ride the shuttle one way, the fee is $1.00 for adults, and $.50 for senior citizens, children 6 to 9 years old, and those who are living with disabilities. The last shuttle leaves The Fairgrounds each day at 11:15 p.m. and at 9:15 p.m. on September 2.


Wade Shows
Wade Shows

Advance tickets to the Midway, operated by Wade Shows, will also go on sale beginning July 16 and can be purchased by visiting The Great New York State Fair’s website.

“Ride All Day” Wristbands, which grant fairgoers the ability to enjoy all rides throughout one day (of their choosing) at The Fair, can be purchased online beginning July 16 through 12 p.m. on Wednesday, August 21. After the Fair starts, wristbands will be available at The Fair for $35 Monday through Thursday and $45 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, plus any applicable fees.

A “Mega Pass” option, which grants fairgoers unlimited rides all day, every day, is also available for pre-sale online. Fairgoers can ride as many rides as they want every day during The Great New York State Fair’s 13-day run. The deal is available online through 12 p.m. on Wednesday, August 21. After The Fair begins, Mega Passes will increase to $110 plus any applicable fees.

With fees, the total cost to patrons will be:

  • Ride All Day Wristbands: $31.25 per pass ($28 pass, $2 for funtag, $1.25 e-ticket convenience fee);
  • Mega Pass: $95 per pass ($90 pass, $2 for funtag, $3 for e-ticket convenience fee)

Fairgoers may purchase either option at this link. Those purchasing a Mega Pass are encouraged to upload their photo at the time of sale to expedite the process. Mega Passes will be available for pick-up at the Gray lot located at Gate 6 at The Fairgrounds from August 17 to August 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

When The Fair begins, individual ride tickets can be purchased at any Wade Shows ticket booth on the Midway for the following:

  • 5 credits for $7;
  • 30 credits for $35;
  • 50 credits for $50

The Midway will be open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, except on Labor Day, Monday, September 2, when it will close at 9 p.m. Please note, the Midway’s closing time is subject to change with little notice in the event of inclement weather or other uncontrollable situations. The Fair’s social media accounts – particularly its Facebook story, Twitter feed, and Instagram story – will have updates in live time.

Founded in 1841, The Great New York State Fair showcases the best of New York agriculture, provides top-quality entertainment, and is a key piece of the state’s CNY Rising strategy of growing the Central New York economy through tourism. It is the oldest fair in the United States and is consistently recognized as being among the top five state fairs in the nation.

The New York State Fairgrounds is a 375-acre exhibit and entertainment complex that operates all year. Audiences are encouraged to learn more about The Great New York State Fair online, browse photos on Flickr, and follow the fun on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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